Scheduled installation dates are first come first serve, based on product and installer availability, and occasionally subject to change. We require full payment a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the installation day/time. The rich, smooth surface of plush carpet makes it an appealing choice for relaxed, informal areas of your home. Frieze carpet is made of tightly twisted yarn and adds a textured look to your floor.

As a reminder, Custom Labor “direct pays” to the installer (if applicable) are due the day of installation, this can be paid by either cast or check. Carpet tiles are highly versatile because they can be used to create interesting patterns and can simply be replaced if they are stained or damaged.

The balance is due in full after customer approval of final measured quote. It’s customary for installers to offer a free in-home estimate.

We require a minimum of half down to hold the product, hold the date on the installation schedule and complete the in-home measurement. If price approval is delayed, special orders will not be placed and your installation might not proceed as planned with your Flooring consultant. If you’ve not been contacted within two days after your measure, please call the store you are working with and ask to speak to the office manager. We’re with you every step of the way.A: Before we order any products to install your home, we must have your verbal approval on the exact sizes and costs associated with your job and a deposit of at least 50%. Once you have selected your favourite flooring we will send you your free carpet quote or free hard flooring quote or both depending on your choices. Welcome to a world of Carpets and Floorings with more than 1000 variety of floorings in store. While we can bring samples to you, a visit to our showroom is strongly encouraged to enable you to view the large samples we have on our floors which will give you a more accurate indication of what the product will look like in your home than the traditional small flooring samples do.

We will then book in a time to come to your house to measure up so we can provide you an accurate carpet quote or hard flooring quote and ensure we pick up any important information that may determine which products are not suitable for your project. Once we’ve received your details, a consultant from your nearest Carpet Court store will be in touch to find out a bit more about your flooring project and advise you on the best products to suit your needs. Fill in your details below to arrange a free flooring and carpet measure and quote.